Inheriting wealth, while often a sign of a loved one’s thoughtfulness, also brings a mix of emotions and responsibilities. It’s a time that calls for both emotional support and practical financial planning. Taking the time to grieve and process your emotions is essential before delving into the complexities of managing your new financial status.


Understanding Inheritance

Inheritance can come in various forms, including real estate, stocks, bonds, retirement accounts, and insurance payouts. Recognising the specific nature of your inherited assets is crucial. For example, inheriting property entails considerations like ongoing maintenance costs, property taxes, and insurance.

Comprehending Legal Terminologies

Familiarising yourself with key legal terms such as beneficiaries, bequests, and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is crucial. In Australia, while there is no direct tax on inheritance, taxes like CGT and income tax may apply to certain inherited assets. This highlights the importance of estate planning, which involves organising and managing assets to ensure their appropriate distribution and to fulfil the deceased’s wishes.

Estate Planning and Tax Implications

Estate planning is an essential aspect of managing inheritance. It might include setting up trusts, wills, and other legal mechanisms to ensure the proper distribution of assets. Consulting with financial planners, lawyers, and tax experts is often necessary to navigate these complexities effectively.

Setting Up Trusts and the Role of Probate

Creating a family trust can be a strategic move to protect assets and provide for future generations, especially in safeguarding wealth from potential legal claims. Understanding the probate process is also critical, as it involves authenticating a will and can be complex depending on the estate’s size and the details of the will.

Superannuation and Beneficiary Nominations

In the context of superannuation, understanding how to nominate beneficiaries is crucial. Australian laws offer various options for nominations, such as binding and non-binding nominations. It’s important to be aware of these options and choose the one that aligns best with your intentions and circumstances.

Distinguishing Between Gifts and Inheritance

Differentiating between gifts and inheritance is important. Gifts are typically voluntary transfers made during a person’s lifetime without any expectation of return, whereas inheritance involves the posthumous transfer of assets, often under specific legal stipulations.

Making Informed Decisions

When dealing with inheritance, it’s important to avoid hasty decisions. Reflect on the intentions of the person who left you the assets and consider how they align with your financial goals. Consulting with a financial advisor is highly recommended to receive advice tailored to your specific situation.

Considerations for Future Planning

Key aspects to consider include understanding your retirement needs, determining your investment goals, and deciding if you wish to leave assets to the next generation. A financial advisor can provide invaluable guidance on a range of issues, from emergency fund planning to making property or stock investments.

In summary, managing an inheritance involves a delicate balance of emotional processing and strategic financial planning. Understanding legal terms, being aware of tax implications, and the importance of estate planning are crucial in making informed decisions that secure a financially stable future. Seeking professional advice and carefully considering personal goals and circumstances are key steps in this journey. This article is intended as general advice only and does not consider your specific financial situation, needs, or objectives. For personalised advice, consulting a professional financial advisor is recommended.


If this article has inspired you to think about your own unique situation and, more importantly, what you and your family are going through right now, please contact your advice professional.

This information does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. Before making a decision, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs.

(Feedsy Exclusive)