Lifestyle embodies how people live, including their interests, habits, and priorities, influenced significantly by generational perspectives. 


Each generation—defined by its unique set of values, economic conditions, and technological advancements—has a distinct approach to lifestyle that encompasses youth culture, travel, work-life balance, health, wealth, friendships, and the principle of living within means.


Generation Z (Gen Z) and Alpha

Digital Natives with a Global Perspective: For the youngest generations, technology is a fundamental part of life, shaping their social interactions, education, and access to information. They value global connectivity, often considering travel not just as leisure but as a form of education and self-improvement. Sustainability and ethical living guide their lifestyle choices, from consumption habits to travel destinations.


Work-Life Balance and Holistic Health: Gen Z places a strong emphasis on mental and physical health, seeking careers that offer flexibility and purpose over traditional success metrics. They prefer experiences that enhance their quality of life, investing in health and wellness both as a personal priority and a social statement.


Redefining Wealth: For them, wealth is not just about accumulation but is instrumental in achieving personal fulfillment and making a positive societal impact. This generation is drawn to careers and investments that align with their values, focusing on sustainable and ethical growth.



Seeking Flexibility and Purpose: Millennials challenge the work-until-you-drop mentality, advocating for jobs that provide both personal and professional satisfaction. They value work-life balance, often seeking opportunities that allow them to blend personal interests and professional growth.


Health-Conscious and Experience-Driven: This generation invests in health and wellness, prioritising physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They prefer spending on experiences over material goods, seeking fulfillment in travel, leisure, and personal development activities.


Ethical Wealth: Millennials view wealth as a means to achieve a balanced and purposeful life. They are conscious of their social and environmental impact, favouring investments in socially responsible businesses and sustainable practices.


Older Generations (Generation X and Baby Boomers)

Value of Direct Social Interactions: Older generations emphasise traditional social connections, valuing face-to-face interactions and community involvement. Their lifestyle choices are often influenced by established relationships and direct social engagement.


Financial Prudence and Traditional Work Ethic: These generations typically adhere to a more traditional work ethic, with a focus on financial stability and saving for retirement. They prioritise financial security, often balancing the desire for a comfortable life with the necessity of living within their means.


Wealth as Security: For older generations, wealth accumulation is often associated with security and the ability to support family and future generations. Their lifestyle choices reflect a careful balance between enjoying the present and preparing for the future.


Summary by Generation

Gen Z and Alpha: Embrace technology and global connectivity, prioritize sustainability, seek work-life balance, and redefine wealth in terms of personal fulfillment and societal impact.

Millennials: Value flexibility, purpose in their careers, invest in health and experiences, and prefer ethical and sustainable growth in their wealth accumulation.

Generation X and Baby Boomers: Focus on traditional social connections, adhere to a conventional work ethic, and view wealth as a means to ensure financial security and family support.

Each generation’s approach to lifestyle highlights the evolving priorities and values that influence how people choose to live, work, and connect with others, underlining a universal pursuit of fulfillment, health, and balance within the constraints of economic realities.



If this article has inspired you to think about your own unique situation and, more importantly, what you and your family are going through right now, please contact your advice professional.

This information does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. Before making a decision, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs.

(Feedsy Exclusive)