Visiting the natural wonders of the world as holiday destinations can offer unique and unforgettable experiences, each with its own set of activities, sights, and cultural significance.


Here’s what you might expect when visiting some of these remarkable places:


Great Barrier Reef, Australia: A paradise for divers and snorkelers, you can explore the vibrant underwater world, teeming with colourful coral and marine life. Many choose to take boat tours, go island hopping, or even stay on liveaboard boats. For a different perspective, scenic flights offer breathtaking views of the reef from above.

Grand Canyon, USA: Visitors can enjoy scenic vistas from numerous lookout points along the rim, hike into the canyon, go white-water rafting on the Colorado River, or take a helicopter tour for aerial views. The Grand Canyon Skywalk, a glass bridge that extends over the canyon, offers a unique view of the depths below.

Aurora Borealis, Various Locations: This natural light show is best viewed in the polar regions during the winter months. Visitors often stay in glass igloos or lodges in places like Iceland, Norway, or Canada to watch the skies. During the day, you can enjoy snow activities like dog sledding, snowmobiling, or ice fishing.

Mount Everest, Nepal/China: While summiting Everest is for the most experienced climbers, trekking to Everest Base Camp is a popular activity for adventure tourists. The journey offers stunning views of the Himalayas, unique cultural experiences in Sherpa villages, and a sense of personal achievement.

Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe: Known as the “Adventure Capital” of Africa, visitors can enjoy not only the stunning view of the falls but also activities like bungee jumping, white-water rafting, and helicopter flights over the area. The falls are surrounded by national parks, offering safari experiences as well.

Parícutin Volcano, Mexico: Hiking and horseback riding tours allow visitors to explore the area around the volcano, including the buried village of San Juan Parangaricutiro, where only the church tower is visible above the lava.

Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Visitors can enjoy the beautiful beaches, hike up to the Christ the Redeemer statue for panoramic views, and explore the vibrant city of Rio. The harbor is surrounded by lush mountains offering hiking and rock climbing.

Amazon Rainforest: Eco-tourism is popular here, with visitors exploring the jungle via riverboats or staying in eco-lodges. Activities include wildlife watching, visiting indigenous communities, and learning about the biodiversity and conservation efforts in the rainforest.


Visiting these wonders offers more than just sightseeing; they provide deep connections with nature, opportunities for adventure, and insights into different cultures and histories. Each destination requires thoughtful planning regarding the best time to visit, respect for local customs and environments, and preparation for the activities you wish to undertake.


If this article has inspired you to think about your own unique situation and, more importantly, what you and your family are going through right now, please contact your advice professional.

This information does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. Before making a decision, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs.

(Feedsy Exclusive)